Saturday, April 5, 2014

Loving the injured...

The other day I fell of a chair. I wound up spraining my ankle. It has been swollen and achy since.

Love is... when your kids step up to help you. When your hubby comes home early even though its busy at work and takes care of dinner when you cant.

Its hard not being able to take care of things you need to.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Love is ...

Love is when your puppy or kitty lays with you when your sick, layed up, or just feeling down.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Love is...

Love is....

Random acts of kindness. These acts (when they include food) usually feed the soul; as well as treat the tummy. For Valentine's Day a friend brought me cookies. My husband ate them (which was fine as I was sick as a dog!), but just the thought that she was thinking of me made me happy. For St. Patricks Day I brought cupcakes to 22 friends at my kids school. Why because we can all use a cute treat made with love sometimes. Then there are the ones who pick you upwhen you desperately need a friend. Those are the ones you make fudge for. Love is the best gift.

Good Food

What better way to show our love, but through our food.

Food comes in many different types.  There is the literal form, the spiritual food, and the physical food.

The literal is that yummy food we all love. Mexican, Italian, Chinese, etc. The spiritual food is found through scripture, prayer, and ecclesiastical guidance.  The physical food is the manifestation of our love namely hugs, kisses, etc.

In this blog I am going to try and focus on these outlets. Will there be other stuff? Yes I am sure there will be, but it will mostly focus on love...